Taunton Public Schools Meal Service Please access file here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1q_4Ze-kp7lAjUBVCy04iE4kdf2IoaCqViq-64i_QXyY/edit?usp=sharing
Dear Families, Please see the latest Public Service Announcement and supporting documents Please see 9.28.2020 Public Service Announcement
Family Technology Night Want to learn more about Google Meet and Google Classroom? Attend the Family Technology Night virtual session on September 10th from 5:45-6:45. You can join the link at 5:30.
Contact Information for Taunton Public School Principals Please see this document for contact information for your child's Principal.
Taunton Public School Meal Services All TPS Kids can eat free. Please pick up breakfast and lunch at all school sites from 9:30-11am on Mondays and Wednesdays (September 14th-December 31st).
Taunton Public Schools Final Draft of COVID-19 Reopening Plan The final draft of the reopening plan is now posted. Additionally please see the public service announcements that Mr. Cabral has shared to keep families informed.
The Taunton Public Schools 2020-2021 School Year Calendar has been set! We are happy to share the 2020-2021 School Year Calendar with you. Please click on the link below to access our Calendar Page.
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